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Are you already using the Design and Pitch Challenges with your students and have questions or need to find support resources quickly? This Moodle course is designed to house support documents and videos and provide a message board setting to ask questions and/or share your experiences and ideas. Please feel free to read and respond to questions posted by other teachers engaging with the curriculum. This board is also monitored by staff from JASON Learning and/or North Carolina State University.
This course is an overview for educators to review before facilitating any Design and Pitch Challenges in STEM 2.
Beyond the Water Bottle: Minimizing Microplastic Pollution Challenge is created through a partnership between JASON Learning and The Virginia Institute of Marine Biology (VIMS). Educators will explore the Beyond the Water Bottle design challenge where students design a sustainable plan to reduce the debris associated with a microplastic source of pollution in their community.
Learn more about VIMS! Use the following enrollment key for this course: VIMSJASON22
Plastics have dramatically improved the quality of almost every aspect of our lives. We simply cannot live without them, but how might we live smarter with them? Citizens and their communities are beginning to question how we might better manage the end-of-life stage of plastic products to better protect our health and aquatic environments.
To register for this course use the following enrollment key: VIMSJASON2022
This course is an overview for educators using the Cultivating the Digital Thread, CTE: Advanced Manufacturing - SPARK module with students.
This course is an overview of the Details Make All the Difference student module designed to help teachers make the connection between the content presented and the Portfolio Project students will complete at the end.
This course is an overview for educators using the Enhancing with Peripherals, CTE: Advanced Manufacturing - SPARK module with students.
This course is an overview for educators using the Fabricating Composite Products, CTE: Advanced Manufacturing - SPARK module with students.
This course is required for educators attending the 2023 JRC Sensors are Essential Training Session. This course must be completed prior to August 8, 2023 for all participants. The in-person session is contingent on completing this preparation work.
This course is an overview of the Sensors are Essential student module designed to help teachers make the connection between the content presented and the Portfolio Challenge Project students will complete at the end.
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